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Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments


Author Topic: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments  (Read 714431 times)

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Offline Taco

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #60 on: October 19, 2004, 04:49:42 pm »
suuuuuuuure you are...

Offline yse

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #61 on: October 23, 2004, 08:02:38 am »
I don't know how to put this one...

[21:58] <CherryMay> its not that bad :(
[21:59] <Kitty|Simpsons> UGH
[21:59] <Kitty|Simpsons> I HATE....
[21:59] <Kitty|Simpsons> AH!
[21:59] * Kitty|Simpsons is now known as Kittyicon
[21:59] <mike89> ...whats up?
[21:59] <CherryMay> Kitty it sounds like youre being molested by george bush
[21:59] <mike89> XD!
[21:59] <Kittyicon> XD!!!
[21:59] <Kittyicon> No, I hate Red VS. Blue.
[21:59] <mike89> that goes in the topic

<3 Thorn.

Offline Sonux

Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #62 on: October 24, 2004, 11:34:51 am »
Not in the #soniccenter chatroom, but too good to keep out of this topic.

[11:14 AM] * Buck1TheHedgehog lays Sonic advance music
[11:15 AM] <Buck1TheHedgehog> *plays
(*Time passes, irrelivant stuff is said*)
[11:17 AM] <SEGASonicMaster|XBoxLive> * Buck1TheHedgehog lays Sonic advance music - Noice quote.
[11:17 AM] <Buck1TheHedgehog> 0_0
[11:17 AM] <Emperor_BadGui> XD
[11:18 AM] <SEGASonicMaster|XBoxLive> better if you take out sdavce music
[11:18 AM] <Sonux>  * Buck1TheHedgehog lays Sonic - better quote *shot*
[11:18 AM] <SEGASonicMaster|XBoxLive> Advance*
[11:18 AM] <SEGASonicMaster|XBoxLive> Yes
[11:18 AM] <SEGASonicMaster|XBoxLive> lol
[11:18 AM] <Sonux> Yeah
[11:18 AM] <Emperor_BadGui> XD!
[11:18 AM] <Buck1TheHedgehog> I wish

Offline Shadow Wedge

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #63 on: October 26, 2004, 12:12:39 am »
[21:21] <Taco> first answer me this question
[21:22] <Shadow_Wedge> ok
[21:22] <Taco> then I will give the game a try
[21:22] <Shadow_Wedge> all right
[21:22] <Taco> what exactly is "urea"
[21:22] <Shadow_Wedge> urine?
[21:22] <Shadow_Wedge> not sure
[21:22] <Taco> ok
[21:22] <Taco> so...
[21:22] <Shadow_Wedge>
[21:22] <Taco> when this medicine cream says... "40% urea"...
[21:22] <Taco> what exactly does that mean?
[21:22] <Shadow_Wedge> oh
[21:22] <Shadow_Wedge> i have no idea
[21:23] <Taco> crap...
[21:23] <Taco> ok hold on Ill download it when im done
[21:23] <Taco> heh...
[21:23] <Shadow_Wedge> oh ok
[21:23] <Shadow_Wedge> its a specific compound
[21:23] <Shadow_Wedge> made of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen
[21:24] <Shadow_Wedge>
[21:25] <Taco> ok
[21:25] <Taco> so it's not urine that im rubbing on my kneecap for medical purposes?
[21:25] <Taco> or is it...@_@?
[21:25] <Shadow_Wedge> i think its something that is found in urine
[21:26] <Taco> ...
[21:26] <Taco> oh well
[21:26] <Shadow_Wedge> and theres a lot of stuff found in urine
[21:26] <Taco> ok Ill give that game a try
[21:26] <Taco> OK
[21:26] <Taco> we are done talking about urine
[21:26] <Shadow_Wedge> k
[21:26] <Taco> no more necessary info kthanx!
[21:26] <Shadow_Wedge> lol
[21:26] <Taco> oh

*stuff goes here*

[21:28] <Rolken> urea is a derivative of urine
[21:28] <Taco> we can play each other online right?
[21:28] <Shadow_Wedge> yep
[21:28] <Rolken> usually obtained from pig urine
[21:28] <Taco> ROLKO!
[21:28] <Shadow_Wedge> lol
[21:28] <Taco> OK????
[21:28] <Eggbot> Ask again later.
[21:28] <Rolken> also, interesting tidbit
[21:28] <Taco> and I dont want to ask what a derivative is...
[21:28] <Rolken> it's almost certain that you have since drank water of which part came from Caesar's rear end
[21:29] <Shadow_Wedge> derivative = made from
<3 Sonic Rush, Sonic Riders, Sonic Rivals. Rolko-style encoding: StH JJ1 Tal+++! $++++ GM
Yes it's correct, that ! is there.

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #64 on: October 28, 2004, 08:15:05 am »
Sprint had a field day with the dishing out of pwnings today - here's one that stays in the mind...

[19:38] <mike89> hmm, clearly tonight is not a day i should be playing sonic
[19:38] <mike89> like any time attacker, i have good and bad days
[19:38] <Sprint> and thursdays
[19:38] <mike89> well, thursdays have a habit of falling into the bad day category
[19:39] <mike89> so theyre effectively one and the same
[19:41] <mike89> hey, have all of you noticed how needlessly worded the official rules are?
[19:42] <mike89> methinks i might do a complete rules re-writeup
[19:42] <mike89> not tonight though
[19:44] <andyJ> heh
[19:44] <andyJ> it is thursday sprint
[19:45] <andyJ> You too shall sample the likes of Thursday soon...
[19:45] * Sprint changes topic to 'The Sherlock Centre - - NO SHIT! | Word of the day: Bunny | Official Emoticon: ---... --- | There's no place like | CF is a manwhore'
[19:45] <mike89> XD
[19:45] <andyJ> lol
[19:45] <mike89> also its thursday in england too

And later on (this one not as good):

[20:22] <mike89> not enough cool chatroom quotes recently
[20:22] <mike89> hasnt been a new post in two days
[20:22] <Kev> :o
[20:22] <Kev> buck1's pwns
[20:22] <mike89> yeah
[20:23] * Joe has joined #soniccenter
[20:29] <mike89> heh, and you have to go back over the old ones
[20:30] <mike89> like Sprint's pwning of CF over one Emma Watson
[20:30] * CosmicFalcon has joined #soniccenter
[20:30] * ChanServ sets mode: +o CosmicFalcon
[20:30] <Sprint> summon'd
[20:30] <Kev> :o
[20:30] <mike89> hey, there he is now!
[20:30] <CosmicFalcon> :o
[20:30] <CosmicFalcon> ph33r me?
[20:30] <mike89> hardly
[20:30] <Kev> [12:30] <mike89> like Sprint's pwning of CF over one Emma Watson
[20:30] <Kev> [12:30] * CosmicFalcon has joined #soniccenter
[20:30] <Kev> heh
[20:30] <mike89> :)

*almost 2 hours later*

[22:15] <mike89> :o
[22:15] * Turbos has joined #soniccenter
[22:16] <mike89> whoa... another summon'd
[22:17] <mike89> also Sprint's pwning of andy a couple of hours ago finally earns a place in the topic
« Last Edit: October 28, 2004, 08:20:30 am by mike89 »

<3 Thorn.

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #65 on: October 29, 2004, 08:02:54 am »
Continuing on from last night, the "summon'd" saga continues...

At this point shadowgamer196 has just logged on to MSN.

[21:52] <mike89> OHNOES TEH KEV
[21:52] <CosmicFalcon> okay I think I know where I'm going
[21:52] <Joe> :o
[21:52] <CosmicFalcon> :o KEV KEV
[21:52] <CosmicFalcon> KEV
[21:52] <CosmicFalcon> KEV
[21:52] <CosmicFalcon> KEV... NOW!
[21:52] <mike89> hey
[21:52] <Joe> Kevs coming!!!
[21:52] <CosmicFalcon> ...
[21:52] <CosmicFalcon> phail'd
[21:52] <mike89> i wanted teh "summon'd"
[21:52] <CosmicFalcon> KEV... NOW!
[21:52] <mike89> you stuffed it up :(
[21:52] <CosmicFalcon> you stuffed your face up
[21:52] <mike89> indeed
[21:52] <Joe> :o
[21:52] <mike89> but i fixed it up now :)
[21:53] <CosmicFalcon> OHNOES TEH KEV
[21:53] <mike89> OHNOES TEH KEV
[21:53] * Alam_GBX has joined #soniccenter
[21:53] <mike89> dammit!
[21:54] <mike89> wrong person
[21:54] <Joe> haha
[21:54] <CosmicFalcon> XD
[21:54] <CosmicFalcon> okay! CF knows where he's going!

<3 Thorn.

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #66 on: November 02, 2004, 08:44:44 pm »
I can't think of a time where Rolken's made an ass of himself in the chat before. This is truly a first:

[12:36] <Rolken> everybody but CNN has given NC to Bush
[12:36] <gamerdude> MSNBC has 87 for Bush
[12:37] <Kogen> When is the winner announced?
[12:37] <mike89> i still find it crazy that most states are decided before people even vote
[12:37] <mike89> that said i dont live over there
[12:37] <Rolken> no vagina on msnbc
[12:37] <Rolken> ...omg did I just say that
[12:37] <Rolken> VIRGINIA
[12:37] <mike89> Kogen: soon as Florida's decided methinks
[12:37] <Kogen> :O!
[12:37] <CherryMay> ...XD
[12:37] <mike89> also XD at teh rolko
[12:37] <gamerdude> XD Rolko

*stunned silence*

[12:39] <mike89> that gets topic'd methinks
[12:39] <mike89> <_<
[12:39] <Rolken> >_>

Later, when I've left (and just checked back on this):

[14:00] <CherryMay> blah, i better sleepo
[14:01] <Rolken> :(
[14:01] <CherryMay> i hate lack of free time :(
[14:01] <Rolken> don't leave us cherryy
[14:01] <Rolken> we still love you
[14:01] * CherryMay is now known as Cherry\Sleep
[14:01] <Rolken> even if your grammar is stinky
[14:01] <Rolken> ;D
[14:01] <Rolken> okay bye :(
[14:01] <tenchi17> it's Cherry ARE Sleep
[14:01] <tenchi17> ;[
[14:01] <Cherry\Sleep> Rolken don't make me quote your vagina line
[14:01] <NintenDan> :(
[14:01] <Cherry\Sleep> *sleep*
[14:01] <NintenDan> lol
[14:01] <tenchi17> ooh please do
[14:01] <tenchi17> no don't
[14:01] <tenchi17> :[
[14:01] <NintenDan> you said vagina
[14:01] <Rolken> >:o
[14:01] <tenchi17> <rolken> vagina
[14:01] <tenchi17> !!!!
[14:02] <Rolken> :O O: :O
« Last Edit: November 03, 2004, 01:39:59 am by mike89 »

<3 Thorn.

Offline Taco

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #67 on: November 07, 2004, 02:14:34 pm »
so THAT's what that was all about...

Offline yse

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #68 on: December 04, 2004, 01:00:40 am »
Just plain ownage...

[16:55] <CherryMay> i just remembered something i saw the other day
[16:56] <Rolken> you don't say! :o
[16:56] <CherryMay> there was a demo of that dead or alive ultimate xbox game in gamestation
[16:56] <Rolken> xbox lol xbox is big!!!
[16:56] <CherryMay> and one guy was playing it (like, 25 or so id say)
[16:57] <Rolken> did he have BIG HANDS cuz xbox is big lol!!!
[16:57] <mike89> XD!!
[16:57] <CherryMay> and the other guy was like "what, youre cheating, you just keep doing the same move and winning"
[16:57] <Rolken> ... XD
[16:57] <CherryMay> and!  thats not the end of the story!
[16:58] <CherryMay> i was amused at first because it sounded like something sm would mock openly (hi sm)
[16:58] <CherryMay> but then i looked at the screen
[16:58] <CherryMay> and he was in two player mode
[16:58] <CherryMay> like, beating up a non-existant motionless player XD
[16:58] <CherryMay> and thinking he was winning
[16:58] <Rolken> XD!!
[16:58] <mike89> owned
[16:59] <Rolken> ahaha that is awesome
[16:59] <mike89> that earns topic'd

<3 Thorn.

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #69 on: December 15, 2004, 11:37:11 pm »
I'll bet Nindy didn't see this one coming...

[15:33] <_> no, no
[15:33] <_> go back to Anonymouse
[15:33] <Taco> :O
[15:33] <_> that one's better
[15:33] <Taco> no
[15:33] <Taco> I'm done being a mouse
[15:33] * Anonycat has joined #soniccenter
[15:33] <Taco> <_<
[15:33] <Taco> ya....
[15:33] <Taco> KITTY!
[15:33] <Anonycat> meow
[15:34] * Taco is now known as Anonymouse
[15:34] <Anonymouse> hello fello
[15:34] * Anonymouse has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Anonycat)))
[15:34] <mike89> XD
[15:34] <Anonycat> MEOW!!!
[15:34] <_> hey
[15:34] <_> bad kitty
[15:34] <Anonycat> who, me?
[15:34] <Anonycat> gotta run!
[15:34] * Anonycat is now known as AIRCGuest2011660634
[15:35] <_> pwned

<3 Thorn.

Offline Spinballwizard

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #70 on: July 07, 2005, 04:11:11 pm »
<Spinballwizard> if I remember what Rolko said about it.
*** Rolken has joined #soniccenter
*** mode/#soniccenter [+o Rolken] by ChanServ
<mike89> speak of the devil
<sonicam> Speak of the devil
<Spinballwizard> speak of the devil
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

<Achlys> wat ave you done!
<Spinballwizard> apparently killed your h key

Offline SadisticMystic

Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #71 on: July 07, 2005, 04:35:03 pm »
<_> 1
<_> 2
<_> 3
<_> 4
<_> 5
(90 lines removed to save space)
<_> 96
<_> 97
<_> 98
<_> 99
<_> 100
<_> and 101 for good measure
<DaleG> interruption!
<_> no, I was done at 101

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #72 on: July 09, 2005, 09:27:05 pm »
<RPG> Chaos6-Big-17:58
<RPG> That'll do
<RPG> I hate Big
<Spinballwizard> Who doesn't?
*** Spinballwizard is now known as Big
<Big> Up?
<sonicam> :o
<Big> Whoo hee!
<Big> Feels good!
<RPG> Chaos2-Knux1:03:61
*** Big is now known as Spinballwizard
<RPG> !
<Spinballwizard> that will be enough of that...
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

<Achlys> wat ave you done!
<Spinballwizard> apparently killed your h key

Offline Spinballwizard

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #73 on: July 10, 2005, 09:30:08 pm »
I don't care if double posts are bad. This has to go here.

* Taco[dead] is really hungry :(
* gamerdude gives Taco a cookie
<Taco[dead]> :O
<Taco[dead]> :O
<Taco[dead]> :)
<Taco[dead]> :D
<Taco[dead]> :)
<Taco[dead]> :/
<Taco[dead]> :(
<Taco[dead]> D:
<Taco[dead]> :(
<Taco[dead]> :/
<Taco[dead]> :)
<Taco[dead]> :D
<Taco[dead]> ^_^
*** Taco[dead] is now known as Taco
<Taco> thanks :D
<Ylle> oh XD
<Taco> cool
<Ylle> 'i laughed for the first like forever!
<Taco> centiseconds are nice
<Taco> :O
* Spinballwizard debates with self about whether or not that should go in the topic, but isn't sure :/
<Ylle> man.
<Taco> laughing is cool
<Taco> lawl
<Taco> tis ok
<Taco> listen to your heat
<Ylle> its 3:30 in the morning. and im like...laughing :P
<Taco> *heart >_>
* CherryMay hmms
<Taco> :O
<Taco> dont wake up mommy and daddy!
<Taco> or brother :O
<Taco> :O
<Ylle> Welcome to sweden! RAWR!
<CherryMay> Hello!
<CherryMay> Yes, yes it is
<CherryMay> Are you okay? :(
<Ylle> Err... Hi CherryMay
<Taco> CHERy.may..
* Spinballwizard thinks taco = toomuch energy
<Taco> chey,a.
<Taco> c.y.e
<Taco> ...
*** Taco is now known as Taco[dead]
<Ylle> I came here to spam and drink jolt. and im all out of jolt.
<CherryMay> ...
*** Taco[dead] is now known as Taco
* Spinballwizard drops a cookie
<Spinballwizard> :o
<Taco> !@M!G!QBHW#RF:D
<Taco> :D
<Taco> :D
<Taco> :D
<Taco> :>
<Taco> :>
<Taco> :>
<CherryMay> :X
<Spinballwizard> I take that back. It is going in the topic.
<gamerdude> :o
<Taco> :(
<Spinballwizard> ...when the situation's done >_>
* gamerdude believes Taco has gone nuts
<Taco> :(
<gamerdude> heh
<Taco> ur mom's nuts!
<Taco> oh SHNAP!
<CherryMay> gamerdude, this is true :(
<Taco> :(
<Taco> >:O
<Taco> >:O
* Taco ramble!
* Taco gamble!
<CherryMay> you remind me of sonknuck :(
* Taco bambi
<gamerdude> Yes, CherryMay, indeed...
<Taco> >_>
<Taco> sawknucks
<Taco> hawt
<Taco> boobs
<Taco> mmm
<Taco> G(Y!QGY!
<gamerdude> erm...
<Taco> (.)
<Taco> :O
<Taco> wheres the other one?
<Taco> :O
* gamerdude grabs anti-spam stick
<Taco> >:O
<Taco> >:O
<Taco> <>:O
<LambdaEff> STFU TACO
* gamerdude whacks Taco over the head with it
<CherryMay> i would kick but i am too bemused
<Taco> cherymy.
<Taco> chrmy
<Taco> charmy bee :D
<Spinballwizard> XD
*** Taco is now known as Taco[food]
<Taco[food]> Dear Sonic Centerians
<Taco[food]> I apologize for the preceeding behavior
<gamerdude> Long drawn out apology?
<Taco[food]> My lack of food overpowered the reproductive organs in my brain which control stimuli veins popping disorder
<CherryMay> ...
<Taco[food]> And for that, there was nothing I could do
<Taco[food]> :(
<LambdaEff> ...
<Taco[food]> :(
* gamerdude scratches head...
« Last Edit: July 10, 2005, 09:31:03 pm by Spinballwizard »
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

<Achlys> wat ave you done!
<Spinballwizard> apparently killed your h key

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #74 on: July 20, 2005, 01:55:21 am »
I went crazy today. ^_^

[14:16:46] <Taco> the PIN, from the word PINballs stands for a special phrase
[14:16:49] * sonicam looks for it
[14:16:56] <Taco> Precious incarnated nuncampoos
[14:17:11] <Spinballwizard> ...
[14:17:17] <Taco> so you see >_>
[14:17:32] <Taco> using these Precious Incarnated Nuncampoos, we can add it as a prefix to the word balls
[14:17:46] <Taco> nuncampoos is translated to steel in latin
[14:17:50] * Spinballwizard stab

Closely followed by:

[14:18:33] * SWedge was kicked by mike89 (that's for the pic)
[14:18:37] <Taco> ohshnap >_>
[14:18:38] <sonicam> lol
[14:18:39] * SWedge has joined #soniccenter
[14:18:41] * sonicam was kicked by mike89 (that's for accusing me on SADX)
[14:18:50] <Spinballwizard> XD
[14:18:50] * Spinballwizard was kicked by mike89 (that's for stabbing Taco)
[14:18:52] * sonicam has joined #soniccenter
[14:18:53] <Taco> lol
[14:18:55] <Taco> >_>
[14:18:55] <sonicam> :(
[14:18:58] * Taco was kicked by mike89 (and that's for being edible)
[14:19:01] * Spinballwizard has joined #soniccenter
[14:19:05] * SWedge has quit IRC (Quit: STOP)

<3 Thorn.

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« Reply #75 on: July 21, 2005, 12:21:58 am »
22:05] * AndrewJ is feeling sick now
[22:05] Spinballwizard: :O
[22:05] Spinballwizard: TACOS CONTAGEOUS
[22:05] AndrewJ: too many sausages too fast :(
[22:06] Spinballwizard: RUN AWAY!
[22:06] Taco[bed]: :O
[22:06] Taco[bed]: >_<
[22:06] Taco[bed]: DO NOT SAY SAUSAGES
[22:06] Taco[bed]: ugh
[22:06] Spinballwizard: XD
[22:06] Spinballwizard: sausages
[22:06] Taco[bed]: now I'm sick physically AND mentally
[22:06] Spinballwizard: sausages
[22:06] Taco[bed]: ACK
[22:06] Taco[bed]: NO
[22:06] Taco[bed]: STOP
[22:06] Taco[bed]: sTOPST
[22:06] Spinballwizard: sausages
[22:06] * Taco[bed] looks away
[22:06] AndrewJ: smooth, dripping with fat
[22:06] * Spinballwizard shot
[22:06] flyby: sausages
[22:06] AndrewJ: greasy, chewy sausages
[22:06] Taco[bed]: w340
[22:06] Taco[bed]: plz stop
[22:07] AndrewJ: sorry man :(
[22:07] AndrewJ: shame on you flyby
[22:07] Taco[bed]: whenever I picture an S-word, I feel sick inside :/
[22:07] Taco[bed]: I dunno why
[22:07] flyby: what?
[22:07] flyby: cmon
[22:07] sonicam: :o
[22:07] AndrewJ: can't you see the guy is ill? =P
[22:07] Taco[bed]: plus I got sick from eating all that S-word on my pizza today
[22:07] flyby: you are worse than me andy
[22:07] flyby: hater
[22:07] Taco[bed]: :(
[22:07] Spinballwizard: Sick
[22:07] Spinballwizard: Sausage?
[22:07] AndrewJ: hater?
[22:07] Taco[bed]: >_<
[22:07] AndrewJ: sssssssssssssss...
[22:07] AndrewJ: socks
[22:07] Taco[bed]: quiet spinballwizard
[22:07] Shadow_Wedge: andwich
[22:07] Taco[bed]: some of us are trying to get better here >_>
[22:07] flyby: yes hater
[22:07] Spinballwizard: She sells sea shells by the seashore
[22:07] Taco[bed]: omfg
[22:07] AndrewJ: what is with that?
[22:08] Taco[bed]: I just watched that episode today!
[22:08] AndrewJ: hater...
[22:08] flyby: with what?
[22:08] Taco[bed]: that's scary >_>
[22:08] flyby: hater?
[22:08] Shadow_Wedge: he ell ea hell by the eahore
[22:08] flyby: it's a good word
[22:08] AndrewJ: for god's sake, what is with akon?
[22:08] Shadow_Wedge: wow words sound weird when you remove letters
[22:08] flyby: akon?
[22:08] * flyby confused
[22:08] Taco[bed]: :O
[22:08] Taco[bed]: hmm
[22:08] Taco[bed]: ok well
[22:08] AndrewJ: The ringtone ads on tv lately are nuts
[22:08] flyby: ou
[22:08] AndrewJ: you know that song 'lonely'?
[22:08] Taco[bed]: I recon the food in my stomach has gone down
[22:09] * AndrewJ heard it on tv for the 4th time today
[22:09] flyby: :o
[22:09] AndrewJ: oh taco...
[22:09] AndrewJ: snot
[22:09] Taco[bed]: so I can sleep peacefully
[22:09] AndrewJ: DX
[22:09] Taco[bed]: :O
[22:09] Taco[bed]: what is snot? >_>
[22:09] Shadow_Wedge: lol crazy frog
[22:09] flyby: frog?
[22:09] Taco[bed]: lol >_>
[22:09] Taco[bed]: :(
[22:09] Taco[bed]: ok
[22:09] flyby: :(
[22:09] AndrewJ: nasil discharge
[22:09] Taco[bed]: NASIL SEX
[22:09] AndrewJ: = snot
[22:09] Taco[bed]: :o
[22:09] flyby: told you taco
[22:09] Taco[bed]: er um nite
[22:10] flyby: you're obsessed
[22:10] Taco[bed]: :(
[22:10] flyby: nite
[22:10] *** Taco[bed] is now known as Taco[notsexungay].
[22:10] flyby: haha
[22:10] AndrewJ: :o
[22:10] Spinballwizard: night
[22:10] sonicam: Night
[22:10] Shadow_Wedge: cya
[22:10] Spinballwizard: sausage!
[22:10] AndrewJ: lay-ters
[22:10] Taco[notsexungay]: SBW
[22:10] flyby: haha
[22:10] Taco[notsexungay]: I am going to kick your lil steel balls if you dont shutup :(
[22:10] AndrewJ: you've gotta describe it SBW
[22:10] * Spinballwizard run
[22:11] Taco[notsexungay]: ok now
[22:11] AndrewJ: sweaty, dripping sausage
[22:11] Taco[notsexungay]: nite >_<
[22:11] Taco[notsexungay]: i9- kwG"#KO
[22:11] Taco[notsexungay]: SDFOFO{GK2
[22:11] Taco[notsexungay]: tgkop2o[
[22:11] Taco[notsexungay]: 2k3ro[
[22:11] Taco[notsexungay]: 123kio
[22:11] Taco[notsexungay]: 2irf[aiofus9-gf8
[22:11] Taco[notsexungay]: 2t29tuw3-
[22:11] Taco[notsexungay]: 9fizd
[22:11] sonicam: whoamg
[22:11] Taco[notsexungay]: v9-w8]-
[22:11] Taco[notsexungay]: ir2
[22:11] Spinballwizard: we need  a topic
[22:11] Taco[notsexungay]: 13q23
[22:11] flyby: see andy
[22:11] Taco[notsexungay]: =0423t
[22:11] flyby: the shame is on you
[22:11] AndrewJ: O_O
[22:11] Spinballwizard: change
[22:11] Taco[notsexungay]: 2i
[22:11] Taco[notsexungay]: t-9w2
[22:11] Taco[notsexungay]: 2t
[22:11] Taco[notsexungay]: qwef
[22:11] AndrewJ: STOP TACO!!
[22:11] Taco[notsexungay]: 2t2t2
[22:11] Taco[notsexungay]: gwe=
[22:11] Taco[notsexungay]: 0gt834
[22:11] flyby: someone should kick taco
[22:11] Taco[notsexungay]: tp3=0
[22:11] Taco[notsexungay]: t823
[22:11] Taco[notsexungay]: =to123
[22:11] Spinballwizard: "The Sausage Center"
[22:11] AndrewJ: he has lost it
[22:11] Shadow_Wedge: new botom #1?
[22:11] Taco[notsexungay]: 5=8129
[22:11] Taco[notsexungay]: 5-i23
[22:11] Taco[notsexungay]: 693
[22:11] Taco[notsexungay]: t98we
[22:11] Shadow_Wedge: cleaning puke ioff your keyboard?
[22:11] Taco[notsexungay]: g9i-sd]9bvi3
[22:11] AndrewJ: all because of one dripping, sweaty, greasy sausage D:
[22:11] Taco[notsexungay]: yk]
[22:11] Taco[notsexungay]: 3t
[22:11] Taco[notsexungay]: 3t9w8t
[22:11] Taco[notsexungay]: 03it
[22:11] flyby: haha
[22:11] Taco[notsexungay]: 3it4
[22:12] Taco[notsexungay]: sekot
[22:12] Taco[notsexungay]: >:O
[22:12] flyby: yeah
[22:12] Taco[notsexungay]: >:O
[22:12] Taco[notsexungay]: >:O
[22:12] Taco[notsexungay]: >:O
[22:12] Taco[notsexungay]: >:O
[22:12] flyby: lol
[22:12] Taco[notsexungay]: :/
[22:12] Taco[notsexungay]: :(
[22:12] Taco[notsexungay]: :
[22:12] sonicam: lmao
[22:12] Taco[notsexungay]: you stop :(
[22:12] Taco[notsexungay]: I am feeling bad :(
[22:12] Taco[notsexungay]: yet you remind me of your favorite thing :(
[22:12] AndrewJ: SHUT THE HELL UP!!
[22:12] Taco[notsexungay]: s-words :(
[22:12] Taco[notsexungay]: >_<
[22:12] Spinballwizard: taco's making it lag...
[22:12] Taco[notsexungay]: ugh thats it
[22:12] Taco[notsexungay]: I'm leaving
[22:12] Taco[notsexungay]: bye
[22:12] *** Taco[notsexungay] is now known as Taco[notthinkingaboutsword].
[22:12] * AndrewJ getting very angry
[22:12] sonicam: bye
[22:12] *** Taco[notthinkingaboutsword] is now known as Taco[notthinkinboutsword].
[22:12] flyby: night
[22:12] Taco[notthinkinboutsword]: :O
[22:12] Taco[notthinkinboutsword]: why wont it work :/
[22:12] Taco[notthinkinboutsword]: stupid nick command
[22:12] Taco[notthinkinboutsword]: oh
[22:12] Taco[notthinkinboutsword]: er
[22:12] Taco[notthinkinboutsword]: wow
[22:12] Taco[notthinkinboutsword]: mabe I was >_>
[22:12] AndrewJ: GO.TO.SLEEP!!!
[22:12] Taco[notthinkinboutsword]: :(
[22:12] Taco[notthinkinboutsword]: ok nite
[22:12] Taco[notthinkinboutsword]: for real
[22:12] * Taco[notthinkinboutsword] not think about s-word
[22:13] Taco[notthinkinboutsword]: andy
[22:13] flyby: feel better
[22:13] Taco[notthinkinboutsword]: stop fantazing about giant sausages :(
[22:13] *** Spinballwizard has signed off IRC (Quit: ring ring ring ring ring ring ring).
[22:13] Taco[notthinkinboutsword]: :O
[22:13] Taco[notthinkinboutsword]: >_<
[22:13] Taco[notthinkinboutsword]: ok nite
[22:13] AndrewJ: hope you feel better tomorrow taco ^_^
[22:13] *** Spinballwizard has joined #soniccenter.
[22:13] flyby: nighto
[22:13] AndrewJ: =P
[22:13] Spinballwizard: wtf!?
[22:13] AndrewJ: :O
[22:13] flyby: lol
[22:13] sonicam: Night for the thrid time :o
[22:13] Spinballwizard: i think it got shot.
[22:13] AndrewJ: giant sausages?
[22:13] Spinballwizard: Either that
[22:13] AndrewJ: where did the 'giant' come from?
[22:13] Spinballwizard: or we're in deep sausage.
[22:13] * Spinballwizard run
« Last Edit: July 21, 2005, 12:29:32 am by flyby »

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« Reply #76 on: July 21, 2005, 12:25:53 am »
Just a quick addition to that last one...

(once i got back... I got lagged out.)

<Spinballwizard> Topic is: The Sausage Center - - Where Sausage > you | Word of the day: sausage | <Spinballwizard> or we're in deep sausage | <flyby> whoa i am out of the topic :)
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

<Achlys> wat ave you done!
<Spinballwizard> apparently killed your h key

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« Reply #77 on: August 09, 2005, 11:58:46 pm »
Speaking of which, are you ever going to finish that?

Also You Don't Know, Jack deserves a place in here.

<3 Thorn.

Offline CosmicFalcon

Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #78 on: August 11, 2005, 12:23:32 pm »
Heh, nah, I think that's as finished as that one gets.

It's true, you don't know, Jack.
"A graph of cf's coolness as age increases would be exponential." - Stefan [14:26, 2008/08/23]
"I now realise that CF is complete and utter win." - Cruizer [13:46, 2009/10/23]

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« Reply #79 on: August 17, 2005, 11:11:29 pm »
The four n00bs of the apocalypse... REVEALED!

[12:14:13] * qls_nhjhj has joined #soniccenter
[12:14:19] <SuperSonic101> marcelo if you like it so much then beat me
[12:14:27] <SuperSonic101> i need rayku to start playing again
[12:14:36] * Marcelo has joined #soniccenter
[12:14:39] <sonicslash> start what?
[12:14:41] <Marcelo> hey
[12:14:47] <Marcelo> Mmarcelo|sa2b = me
[12:14:49] <Marcelo> what happen
[12:14:58] <ExistenZer0> they set us up the bomb
[12:15:00] <qls_nhjhj> ç
[12:15:02] <qls_nhjhj> ç
[12:15:03] <qls_nhjhj> ç
[12:15:06] <qls_nhjhj> ç
[12:15:08] <qls_nhjhj> ç
[12:15:08] <ExistenZer0> ...
[12:15:09] <ExistenZer0> wtf
[12:15:09] <qls_nhjhj> ç
[12:15:10] <sonicslash> ?
[12:15:12] <qls_nhjhj> ç
[12:15:13] * qls_nhjhj has quit IRC (Oh tin of pink meat / Must we enclue you firmly? / You are not Noah.)
[12:15:14] <flyby> i think that is enough of that
[12:15:31] * sonicslash is now known as SuperSonic
[12:15:33] <Marcelo> i will exit and return
[12:15:35] <Marcelo> moment
[12:15:35] * Marcelo has quit IRC (Quit: ring ring ring ring ring ring ring)
[12:16:12] <SuperSonic> ok
[12:16:17] <SuperSonic> want this
[12:16:42] * SuperSonic is now known as HyperSonic
[12:16:51] <HyperSonic> :)
[12:17:46] <mike89> wtf is going on here
[12:18:01] * HyperSonic is now known as SonicSlash
[12:18:11] <SonicSlash> bye bye
[12:18:26] * SonicSlash was kicked by mike89 (yes. bye bye indeed.)
[12:18:37] * SonicSlash has joined #soniccenter
[12:18:44] <SonicSlash> yes bye bye
[12:18:48] <SonicSlash> thanks
[12:18:55] <mike89> normally when you say that
[12:18:58] <SonicSlash> loooooool
[12:19:00] <mike89> that means youre leaving
[12:19:09] <SonicSlash> yep yep
[12:19:17] <mike89> take the hint
[12:19:33] <SonicSlash> its bye
[12:19:41] <SonicSlash> I know
[12:19:47] <mike89> ...
[12:19:59] <SonicSlash> ....
[12:20:06] <_> If you leave, you'll miss out on something fun
[12:20:12] <SonicSlash> ok
[12:20:18] * Marcelo has joined #soniccenter
[12:20:19] <SonicSlash> I won't leave
[12:20:19] <_> Just wait for Marcelo to come back
[12:20:21] * Marcelo has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by _)))
[12:20:25] <mike89> XD
[12:20:30] <mike89> ok, now you can piss off
[12:20:30] <SuperSonic101> bee are bee
[12:20:41] * HCC has joined #soniccenter
[12:20:50] <mike89> bloody hell
[12:20:58] * ExistenZer0 kinda feeling guilty for not treating his mom too nice sometimes
[12:20:59] <HCC> oh my goshers its teh ss101
[12:21:03] <ExistenZer0> just realized how much she really does for me
[12:21:07] <mike89> CF's four noobs of the apocalypse premonitions are coming true D:
[12:21:10] * Marcelo has joined #soniccenter
[12:21:12] * Marcelo has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by _)))
[12:21:21] <HCC> shut up mike
[12:21:39] <agullabell> hmmmmmmmm
[12:21:45] <SonicSlash> ?
[12:22:38] <SonicSlash> T_T
[12:22:43] <SonicSlash> bye
[12:22:46] * SonicSlash has left #soniccenter
[12:22:53] * SA2B has joined #soniccenter
[12:23:09] <mike89> who's willing to be noob #4?
[12:23:10] * SuperS0nic101 has joined #soniccenter
[12:23:35] * SuperSonic101 has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[12:23:40] * SA2B is now known as Marcelo
[12:23:42] <SuperS0nic101> impostor!
[12:23:46] * Marcelo is now known as AIRCGuest530735924
[12:23:46] * SuperS0nic101 is now known as SuperSonic101
[12:23:53] <AIRCGuest530735924> i'm marcelo sa2b
[12:24:05] * Marcelo|SA2B was kicked by mike89 (no youre not)
[12:24:10] <SuperSonic101> your moms marcelo sa2b
[12:24:16] <SuperSonic101> ono0z
[12:24:22] <agullabell> lol
[12:24:23] <Rolken> lawl
[12:24:30] <mike89> cant argue that logic
[12:25:09] <AIRCGuest530735924> i'm him too
[12:25:10] <AIRCGuest530735924> sonicam will enter here
[12:25:22] <AIRCGuest530735924> sonicam diz:
[12:25:22] <AIRCGuest530735924> oh
[12:25:31] * _ is now known as Sonic
[12:25:35] <Sonic> I'm Sonic
[12:25:41] <agullabell> so many sonics here
[12:25:44] <mike89> IMPOSTER!
[12:25:45] <AIRCGuest530735924> hehe
[12:26:11] * HCC is now known as Knuckles
[12:26:19] * Knuckles has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Sonic)))
[12:26:24] <mike89> pwn
[12:26:24] <Rolken> XD.
[12:26:43] * HCC has joined #soniccenter
[12:26:48] <AIRCGuest530735924> again the fuck error
[12:26:49] <HCC> asswipe rusty

<3 Thorn.

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« Reply #80 on: August 18, 2005, 02:15:40 am »
^ Lmao, that is most definately one of the best chat logs ever, I lmao literally. XD
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Offline yse

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« Reply #81 on: August 18, 2005, 04:40:11 am »

[18:37:32] <CherryMay> also you know how you can review games by its crate usage?
[18:37:39] <CosmicFalcon> yes
[18:37:45] * Sprint grab ye Star F...gngneg  Lylat Wars run
[18:37:45] <CherryMay> you can also review systems by its doom playing, it seems!
[18:37:46] <CherryMay>
[18:37:56] <CosmicFalcon> XD?
[18:38:07] <CosmicFalcon> oyea sprint cuz like it's all PAL'd
[18:38:38] <CosmicFalcon> also my friend who has an ngage
[18:38:52] <mike89> at some stage i wanna get the BK run
[18:38:55] <CosmicFalcon> he doesn't really have much of a clue about gaming tech but I let him boast like he does
[18:38:56] <mike89> but its like 557MB :(
[18:39:05] <CosmicFalcon> and he's like "LOOK IT PLAYS DOOM HOW COOL IS THAT"
[18:39:07] <CosmicFalcon> "DOOM!"
[18:39:11] <CherryMay> XD
[18:39:13] * SprintGod has joined #soniccenter
[18:39:14] * ChanServ sets mode: +o SprintGod
[18:39:21] * Sprint has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by SprintGod)))
[18:39:21] <CosmicFalcon> and somehow he concluded that his ngage being able to play doom made it better than a GBA
[18:39:23] <CherryMay> ..hello!
[18:39:23] * SprintGod is now known as Sprint
[18:39:27] <Sprint> stupid thing
[18:39:30] <CherryMay> CF XD
[18:39:45] * mike89 considers putting that in the chat topic for mere stupidity
[18:40:12] <CosmicFalcon> he also concludes that PlayStation wins due to innovation and original ideas. o.O

<3 Thorn.

Offline CosmicFalcon

Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #82 on: August 18, 2005, 05:18:03 am »
[18:38:38] <CosmicFalcon> also my friend who has an ngage

That is all you need to be funny. XD
"A graph of cf's coolness as age increases would be exponential." - Stefan [14:26, 2008/08/23]
"I now realise that CF is complete and utter win." - Cruizer [13:46, 2009/10/23]

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« Reply #83 on: August 19, 2005, 02:14:22 am »
This is what happens you stupple upon a bored SS...

[02:04:55] <SuperSonic101> BOOM
[02:05:56] <SuperSonic101> BOOM
[02:06:01] <SuperSonic101> crap
[02:06:06] <SuperSonic101> i was trying to post exactly a second after
[02:06:21] <SuperSonic101> without looking at the clock
[02:06:46] <SuperSonic101> BOOM
[02:08:06] <sonicam> yeah mean a minute right? :o
[02:08:44] <SuperSonic101> correct
[02:09:03] <SuperSonic101> now i'll do second
[02:09:08] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:09:08] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:09:08] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:09:08] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:09:12] <SuperSonic101> shit
[02:09:12] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:09:16] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:09:16] <SuperSonic101> shit
[02:09:16] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:09:17] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:09:20] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:09:21] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:09:23] <SuperSonic101> shjit
[02:09:25] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:09:28] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:09:29] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:09:32] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:09:33] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:09:35] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:09:37] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:09:51] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:09:53] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:09:55] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:09:57] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:09:59] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:10:01] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:10:03] * SuperSonic101 was kicked by Sprint (Sprint)
[02:10:10] <sonicam> XD
[02:10:19] <sonicam> This must go in the chat
[02:11:29] <Sprint>
[02:12:26] * SuperSonic101 has joined #soniccenter
[02:12:39] <SuperSonic101> :D
[02:12:46] <SuperSonic101> 20 in a row'd
Chaos Emeralds: Yellow, Red, Green, Blue and Purple.
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Offline SuperSonic101

Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #84 on: August 19, 2005, 02:21:10 am »
your comp's quite laggy though, the 20 in a row looked more like this:

[02:06:37] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:06:38] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:06:39] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:06:40] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:06:41] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:06:42] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:06:43] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:06:44] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:06:45] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:06:46] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:06:47] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:06:48] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:06:49] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:06:50] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:06:51] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:06:52] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:06:53] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:06:54] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:06:55] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:06:56] <SuperSonic101> a
[02:06:57] <SuperSonic101> a

Offline SuperSonic101

Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #85 on: August 19, 2005, 05:36:06 pm »

[16:50:44] <SuperSonic101> i just went swimming on the road
[16:50:51] <SuperSonic101> because the rain is knee high
[16:51:08] <flyby> :o
[16:51:14] <flyby> fun times? :o
[16:51:15] <SuperSonic101> i tried to surf with a tobogan
[16:51:16] <SuperSonic101> didnt work
[16:51:27] <SuperSonic101> i dont have a canoe, boat or raft :(
[16:51:38] <Cream04> :o
[16:51:49] <SuperSonic101> grrrr
[16:51:50] <SuperSonic101> i'm so pissed
[16:51:55] <flyby> :o?
[16:51:55] <SuperSonic101> i wanna go rafting or boating or surfing
[16:52:20] <Cream04> Wow, i want it to rain! SuperSonic, where do you live?
[16:52:31] <flyby> comedy go grab one of the floating log options
[16:52:57] <SuperSonic101> ontario
[16:53:14] <Cream04> And that's in what country? Lol
[16:53:15] <SuperSonic101> i bet i could use a tobaggan as a flutterboard
[16:53:19] <SuperSonic101> canada >.<
[16:53:27] * ARRPEEGEE has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[16:53:39] <flyby> crazy brits
[16:53:49] <Cream04> Oh lol
[16:53:52] <flyby> not paying attention to the true continent over here
[16:53:57] <SuperSonic101> wish i had a camera right now
[16:54:08] <SuperSonic101> its like a beach right outside
[16:54:16] <SuperSonic101> i cant even see my own grass
[16:54:16] <flyby> is it cold?
[16:54:20] <SuperSonic101> its pretty cold
[16:54:23] <SuperSonic101> not ice cold
[16:54:34] <flyby> :o
[16:54:38] <Cream04> I'm not british, like i've said before, i'm Abbyish (Abbie-ish)?
[16:54:58] <SuperSonic101> meaning
[16:55:22] <sonicam> SS: I might be going white water rafting with a friend before the summer is over :o
[16:55:40] <Cream04> Meaning i'm just me, i come from me, i live in me, no country just me.
[16:55:41] <flyby> down your front yard?
[16:55:43] <flyby> i think not
[16:55:45] <flyby> wahahhaa
[16:55:46] <SuperSonic101> white water rafting is some awesome shizzah
[16:55:46] <sonicam> Keyword is might D:
[16:56:00] <sonicam> :o
[16:56:17] <flyby> :o
[16:56:19] <SuperSonic101> i just wanna go lie down on a raft and float down the street
[16:56:23] <flyby> i missed the newest email
[16:56:27] <SuperSonic101> i changed into my bathing suit even :(
[16:56:35] <flyby> dont we all
[16:56:37] <sonicam> :(
[16:56:45] <SuperSonic101> fucking toboggan
[16:56:48] * ARRPEEGEE has joined #soniccenter
[16:56:50] <SuperSonic101> why cna't i weight 10 pounds
[16:56:53] <sonicam> :(
[16:56:53] <SuperSonic101> then i could float
[16:56:56] * flyby watches new sbemail
[16:56:57] <ARRPEEGEE> XD
[16:57:05] <SuperSonic101> ooh i wanna put a baby on it and drift it away
[16:57:11] * ARRPEEGEE yoghurt shortly
[16:57:13] <ARRPEEGEE> XD
[16:57:14] <sonicam> ...
[16:57:25] <SuperSonic101> the baby would drown
[16:57:28] <ARRPEEGEE> COUGHmosesCOUGH
[16:57:30] <ARRPEEGEE> >_>
[16:57:30] <SuperSonic101> it'd be like twice over its head
[16:57:34] <SuperSonic101> thats what i was thinking rpg :D
[16:57:38] <ARRPEEGEE> :D
[16:57:42] <SuperSonic101> maybe itll find a new home
[16:57:47] <SuperSonic101> hmm
[16:57:50] <ARRPEEGEE> With an Eqyptian?
[16:57:52] <ARRPEEGEE> >_>
[16:57:54] <ARRPEEGEE> er
[16:57:55] <sonicam> ...
[16:57:55] <SuperSonic101> mabe i'll put like a bag of candy on it
[16:57:58] <ARRPEEGEE> Egyption
[16:58:08] <SuperSonic101> or some ketamine that looks like candy
[16:58:11] <SuperSonic101> and some kid'll eat it all
[16:58:11] <SuperSonic101> and die
[16:58:18] <sonicam> wtf?
[16:58:24] <SuperSonic101> :D
[16:58:25] <sonicam> why do you want to kill kids?
[16:58:25] <Cream04> That's mean!
[16:58:42] <ARRPEEGEE> Put like, half kilo of sugar on it >_>
[16:58:42] <ARRPEEGEE> Asbestos wool <_<
[16:58:42] <ARRPEEGEE> a small dog?
[16:58:47] <SuperSonic101> >.> you can't tell i'm kidding?
[16:58:49] <ARRPEEGEE> <_>
[16:58:52] <SuperSonic101> paint thinner
[16:58:53] <SuperSonic101> hhe
[16:58:56] <ARRPEEGEE> XD
[16:59:05] <SuperSonic101> hmm i'm sure a few pills of extasy will work
[16:59:15] <ARRPEEGEE> Fill a coke bottle with engine oil
[16:59:16] <SuperSonic101> some kidll be like Ooh look,  some sweet tarts
[16:59:18] <ARRPEEGEE> <_<
[16:59:24] <SuperSonic101> and pop a couple
[16:59:29] <SuperSonic101> and then give some to his friends
[16:59:39] <SuperSonic101> and youd have a bunch of kids running around the street trippin on X
[16:59:43] <ARRPEEGEE> XD
[16:59:50] <Cream04> OOH ecstasy
[17:00:07] <sonicam> best conversation ever
[17:00:09] <sonicam> ...
[17:00:21] <SuperSonic101> oh the possibilities
[17:00:23] <ARRPEEGEE> Indeed
[17:00:26] <ARRPEEGEE> Yup
[17:00:52] * ARRPEEGEE yoghurt
[17:00:58] * ARRPEEGEE eat it with a spork
[17:00:59] <ARRPEEGEE> :D
[17:01:11] <SuperSonic101> someones at the door:o
[17:01:20] <SuperSonic101> shes asking for help because something is fucked up with her hosue
[17:01:22] <SuperSonic101> hehehhehe
[17:01:23] <SuperSonic101> fun
[17:01:33] <flyby> also this was an odd email
[17:01:35] <sonicam> fun indeed :D
[17:01:46] <SuperSonic101> i was thinking of putting my turtle in the street
[17:01:49] <SuperSonic101> and he could swim to freedom
[17:01:53] <sonicam> :o
[17:01:57] <SuperSonic101> but hed prob die due to the shittiness of the water
[17:01:59] <flyby> freedom = death?
[17:02:01] <flyby> yes
[17:02:18] <flyby> it is good you have a brain
[17:02:20] <flyby> that works
[17:02:24] <flyby> and didnt kill your turtle
[17:02:25] <SuperSonic101> now would be a fun time to go streaking
[17:02:31] <flyby> D:
[17:02:33] <ARRPEEGEE> XD
[17:02:33] <ARRPEEGEE> SS, where is all this water? In your street? :o
[17:02:35] <sonicam> D:
[17:02:35] <SuperSonic101> yeah
[17:02:37] <SuperSonic101> we had a storm
[17:02:40] <SuperSonic101> its some mad shit
[17:02:42] <ARRPEEGEE> Oh
[17:02:46] <SuperSonic101> its in my basement
[17:02:53] <flyby> also is it not coming inside anymore?
[17:02:58] <ARRPEEGEE> SS
[17:03:01] <SuperSonic101> omg it would be hilarious if the water in my basement goes past my turtles pool
[17:03:04] <ARRPEEGEE> I am chat quoting that
[17:03:05] <Cream04> I wouldmn't go streaknig if i was you...unless you have a nice body...
[17:03:06] <sonicam> Damn SS, you reminded me of Old School
[17:03:09] <SuperSonic101> and hed just be floating around the basement
[17:03:11] <sonicam> that movie was pwnage
[17:03:11] <ARRPEEGEE> The turtle line
[17:03:16] <SuperSonic101> do the whole thing
[17:03:17] <SuperSonic101> rpg
[17:03:19] <ARRPEEGEE> And the streaking line
[17:03:26] <SuperSonic101> the whole thing
[17:03:53] <SuperSonic101> theres an empty fish tank in my basement
[17:03:59] <SuperSonic101> well it was empty
[17:04:02] <SuperSonic101> now its almost overflowing
[17:04:09] <ARRPEEGEE> Okies :D
[17:04:09] <ARRPEEGEE> I will after though
[17:04:15] * ARRPEEGEE eats the yoghurt
[17:04:17] <SuperSonic101> brb

Offline F-Man

Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #86 on: August 19, 2005, 08:41:31 pm »
What I see in this topic is not what I'd call Quotes. greater-than-colon-capital-o

Offline SprintGod

Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #87 on: August 20, 2005, 01:21:25 pm »
This topic needs trimming of all the [ unfunny / too-long-to-be-readable / i-posted-this-because-i-said-something-i-thought-was-funny-but-it-really-sucked ] crap.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2005, 01:35:08 pm by SprintGod »
If you don't want people to treat you like you're stupid, then your best defence is to not be stupid.

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« Reply #88 on: September 09, 2005, 12:03:20 pm »
Well, this amused me and mike :o

[16:53] * flyby wants to go to panda express
[16:53] <flyby> as in i am going as soon as my roommate gets out of the shower
[16:53] <ROG> :o
[16:53] <CosmicFalcon> :o
[16:53] <flyby> mhm
[16:53] <ROG> Where is Rolko these days?
[16:53] <mike89> :o
[16:53] <ROG> Have you kidnapped him?
[16:53] <ROG> <_<
[16:53] <CosmicFalcon> iz ur roomate hawt? *shawt*
[16:53] <mike89> XD!
[16:53] <ROG> XD
[16:54] <flyby> of course she is hawt
[16:54] <mike89> TEH CONSPIRACY
[16:54] <flyby> also i have not kidnapped him :(
[16:54] <CosmicFalcon> otherwise you wouldn't live with her?
[16:54] <ROG> :)
[16:54] <flyby> exactly cf
[16:54] <ROG> o_0
[16:54] <ROG> 0_o
[16:54] <CosmicFalcon> see
[16:54] <ROG> 0_0
[16:54] <CosmicFalcon> CF knows these things
[16:54] <CosmicFalcon> it's like
[16:54] <flyby> mhm
[16:54] <flyby> also he is sick
[16:54] * CosmicFalcon knows about that crazy thing we call the female psyche
[16:54] <flyby> though why he doesn't visit tsc i dont know
[16:54] <mike89> :o
[16:54] <CosmicFalcon> because he's LAME
[16:54] <flyby> he's almost better
[16:54] <CosmicFalcon> what happened to rolk
[16:54] <CosmicFalcon> he used to be cool D:
[16:54] <CosmicFalcon> he changed, man
[16:54] <mike89> hehe
[16:55] <flyby> hey hey
[16:55] <flyby> he is still cool
[16:55] <mike89> i was about to type that exactly
[16:55] <CosmicFalcon> :O
[16:55] <mike89> the used to be cool thing
[16:55] <CosmicFalcon> FLYBY
[16:55] <CosmicFalcon> YOOOUUU CHANGED HIM!
[16:55] <CosmicFalcon> BLASPHEMY!
[16:55] * CosmicFalcon twitch
[16:55] <CosmicFalcon> o.O
[16:55] <mike89> also prove he is still cool. D:
[16:55] <ROG> :o
[16:55] <CosmicFalcon> O.o
[16:55] * CosmicFalcon collapses
[16:55] <flyby> i didnt force him to change :(
[16:55] <flyby> it just kind of happend :(
[16:55] <ROG> :(
[16:55] <CosmicFalcon> sure
[16:55] <mike89> that's what they all say
[16:55] <CosmicFalcon> that's what they all say
[16:55] <ROG> XD
[16:55] <CosmicFalcon> ...
[16:55] <mike89> XD
[16:55] <CosmicFalcon> maybe it started out like that
[16:55] <CosmicFalcon> "oh rolko you don't have to change for me"
[16:56] <CosmicFalcon> but then you were like
[16:56] <CosmicFalcon> "oi rolko i have masterplan we will rule the world using that pathetic site of yours mwahahahahaha"
[16:56] <flyby> hey if i wanted him to change would i come in tsc as much as i do? hmm?
[16:56] <CosmicFalcon> but you did not count on COSMICFALCON
[16:56] <CosmicFalcon> for I CAN SEE THROUGH YOU
[16:56] <CosmicFalcon> HMM INDEED!
[16:56] <CosmicFalcon> indeed
[16:56] <CosmicFalcon> it's all an elaborate disguise
[16:56] <flyby> it is his choice that he has abandoned you
[16:56] <CosmicFalcon> I see through it though.
[16:56] <CosmicFalcon> I'LL ABANDON YOU, HEATHEN!
[16:56] <mike89> this is thoroughly odd.
[16:56] * CosmicFalcon falls off his chair
[16:56] <flyby> haha
[16:56] <ROG> Abandoned :(
[16:57] <flyby> no he hasn't abandoned you :(
[16:57] <CosmicFalcon> ABANDON?
[16:57] <mike89> i'd log this and stick it in the chat topic
[16:57] <CosmicFalcon> MORE LIKE ABADON WHAT
[16:57] <mike89> but i can't be bothered
[16:57] <CosmicFalcon> AND YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS
[16:57] <ROG> <flyby> it is his choice that he has abandoned you :(
[16:57] <ROG> Mike, I shalt
[16:57] <CosmicFalcon> PHOENIX DOWN, KO!!!!!!11oneoeneoneone
[16:57] <CosmicFalcon> ...
[16:57] <ROG> Once CF is done
[16:57] <ROG> As it is amusing :o
[16:57] <CosmicFalcon> OH I'M DONE ALRIGHT
[16:57] <flyby> also i'm sure it'll just be a little while longer before tsc 3.5 is up :(
[16:57] <mike89> that clearly means we've got a good five minutes left
[16:58] <CosmicFalcon> stick a fork in me why don't you D:
[16:58] <ROG> XD
[16:58] <CosmicFalcon> flyby you say that now
[16:58] * ROG sticks a fork iN CF's arm
[16:58] <CosmicFalcon> but it's the PRINCIPLE!
[16:58] <CosmicFalcon> OW FUCK
[16:58] <ROG> >_>
[16:58] <CosmicFalcon> fuck you man
[16:58] <ROG> o_0
[16:58] * CosmicFalcon crushes ROG sharply with the dark gamepad of SonicTeam!
[16:58] <ROG> I'd rather you didn't if its all the same <_<
[16:58] <ROG> ARG!
[16:58] <flyby> but you know
[16:58] <CosmicFalcon> well I'm glad we have come to that agreement
[16:58] <flyby> he doesnt really do stuff so much when he is sick
[16:58] <CosmicFalcon> I DO KNOW, YES
[16:58] <CosmicFalcon> I DO KNOW ABOUT YOUR PLAN
[16:58] <ROG> well, thats understandable
[16:58] <CosmicFalcon> EVILDOER
[16:58] <mike89> flyby like all of us.
[16:58] <mike89> im doing less of everything now
[16:58] <mike89> including sleep.
[16:59] <CosmicFalcon> mike does stuff while he's sick. he's here. he's all, "rarr"
[16:59] <CosmicFalcon> rarr like URMOM
[16:59] <ROG> When I'ms ick I do nowt but use my PC, because it means I can stay still which generally helps
[16:59] <ROG> :o
[16:59] <flyby> rolken plays video games mainly :o
[16:59] <CosmicFalcon> ...
[16:59] <ROG> That too
[16:59] <CosmicFalcon> I would use the computer and play videogames mainly when I was ill
[16:59] <mike89> yeah
[16:59] <ROG> Anything involving near motionless
[16:59] <CosmicFalcon> but then
[16:59] <CosmicFalcon> I would do that anyway XD
[16:59] <mike89> sometimes even videogames are no good
[16:59] <ROG> heh
[16:59] <flyby> yeah
[16:59] <mike89> cause youre all adrenaline'd
[16:59] <CosmicFalcon> as it is, sick or not sick, I use the computer, and play videogames occasionally
[17:00] <CosmicFalcon> but I would do both like all the time if I could
[17:00] <ROG> I have 2 TV's and my PC :o
[17:00] * CosmicFalcon can't wait to get his own computer
[17:00] <ROG> my first TV is 3 feet to the right of my PC
[17:00] <flyby> also i think we are going now
[17:00] <flyby> my hawt roommate is out of the shower
[17:00] <flyby> see you later kids
[17:00] <ROG> So I just turn the TV on an angle
[17:00] <ROG> Towards the PC
[17:00] <ROG> And turn my chair towards the TV
[17:00] <ROG> XD
[17:00] <ROG> Instant Double pwnage
[17:01] <ROG> Bai Flyby :o
[17:01] <mike89> XD
[17:01] <CosmicFalcon> ciao
[17:01] <mike89> boobpixplz?
[17:01] * mike89 run.
[17:01] * flyby is now known as flybyPandaExpress
[17:01] <CosmicFalcon> pff
[17:01] <CosmicFalcon> more like hawt flybyxroommate pix
[17:01] <ROG> XD
[17:01] <mike89> hm, true
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline yse

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« Reply #89 on: September 23, 2005, 11:50:50 am »
This is dying.


[01:45:31] * mike89 wonder what considerations cherry and cf make before buying games
[01:45:32] <CherryMay> and therefore has some slowdown etc for me :(
[01:45:39] <mike89> cherry: "how much is left in my bank account?"
[01:45:46] <CherryMay> also my joypad keeps breaking
[01:45:48] <mike89> cf: "OMGBOUNCY"
[01:45:54] <CosmicFalcon> ...
[01:45:56] <CosmicFalcon> ok
[01:46:00] <CosmicFalcon> just to set the record straight
[01:46:06] <CosmicFalcon> I do NOT only use bouncy as a factor in buying games.
[01:46:13] <mike89> news to me XD
[01:46:14] * CherryMay points to DOAX
[01:46:18] <CosmicFalcon> ...
[01:46:33] <CosmicFalcon> I do NOT only use bouncy as a factor in buying all games.
[01:46:38] <CherryMay> XD
[01:46:44] <mike89> XD

<3 Thorn.


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